The file descriptor fd is a 32-bit packed array value. The MSB (bit 31) of a fd is reserved and shall always be set; this allows implementations of the file input and output functions to determine how the file was opened. The remaining bits hold a small number indicating what file is opened. Three file descriptors are pre-opened; they are STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR, which have the values 32'h8000_0000, 32'h8000_0001, and 32'h8000_0002, respectively. STDIN is pre-opened for reading, and STDOUT and STDERR are pre-opened for append. |
文件描述符 |
说明 |
0x8000_0000 |
STDIN:标准输入 |
0x8000_0001 |
STDOUT:标准输出 |
0x8000_0002 |
STDERR:标准错误输出 |
$fwrite(0x80000002, "hello world"); |
就可以向屏幕打印hello world。