code coverage
function coverage
对于code coverage,在编译和仿真需要加额外参数。对于function coverage,编译和仿真不需要加额外参数。
- 1 一、code coverage
- 2 二、function coverage
- 3 三、coverage其他选项
- 3.1 -cm_dir选项
- 3.2 -cm_name选项
- 3.3 3. -cm_hier选项
- 3.3.1 3.1 +tree instance_name [level_number]
- 3.3.2 3.2 -tree instance_name [level_number]
- 3.3.3 3.3 +module module_name | entity_name
- 3.3.4 3.4 -module module_name | entity_name
- 3.3.5 3.5 +file file_name
- 3.3.6 3.6 -file file_name
- 3.3.7 3.7 +filelist file_name
- 3.3.8 3.8 -filelist file_name
- 3.3.9 3.9 +moduletree module_name [level_number]
- 3.3.10 3.10 -moduletree module_name [level_number]
- 3.3.11 3.11 +/-node
- 4 四、查看coverage
一、code coverage
code coverage包含以下一些coverage:
line coverage
toggle coverage
condition coverage
branch coverage
FSM coverage
assert coverage
-cm <cov_metrics_name> |
line:使能line coverage
cond:使能cond coverage
tgl:使能toggle coverage
fsm:使能FSM coverage
branch:使能branch coverage
assert:使能assert coverage
多个选项之间,使用+进行连接。例如,要使能line,fsm coverage,使用如下选项:
-cm line+fsm |
code coverage选项,在编译和仿真的时候,都必须要有,否则不能正常的生成coverage。
编译如果带有coverage coverage选项,会在编译目录下,生成simv.vdb目录,里面包含了coverage model。
二、function coverage
function coverage,没有选项控制,因为是在代码中指定的。
在编译的时候,不会生成simv.vdb目录,因为function coverage不需要coverage model。
The -cm_dir <directory_path_name> option enables you to |
带上coverage选项,vcs编译完毕后,默认会在编译目录,生成simv.vdb文件夹。该文件夹里面,包含了coverage model。
可以通过-cm_dir选项,更改默认的coverage model生成的目录。
The -cm_name <filename> option as a compile-time or runtime |
比如-cm_name load_test,那么coverage数据,就会生成在simv.vdb/snps/coverage/db/testdata/load_test目录下。
3. -cm_hier选项
该选项,在coverage technology reference manual手册上有介绍。
The -cm_hier option is a compile-time option to specify module definitions, instances and sub-hierarchies, and source files that you want VCS to either exclude from coverage or exclusively compile for coverage. |
在收集code coverage的时候,工具默认会收集所有模块的coverage。但是有时候,我们只关心某一层模块以及之下的coverage。此时就需要-cm_hier选项来指定层次。
3.1 +tree instance_name [level_number]
VC VCS compile only the specified instance and the instances under it for coverage. These instances can be Verilog module or VHDL entity instances. VCS exclude all other instances from coverage. A level number of 0 (or no level number) specifies the entire subhierarchy, 1 specifies only this instance, 2 specifies this instance and those instances directly under this instance, 3 specifies this instance and instances in the subhierarchies that are one and two levels below the specified instance. There is no limit to the integer you specify as the level number. If the subhierarchy includes instances in the other HDL, VCS does not include these instances. |
3.2 -tree instance_name [level_number]
VC VCS exclude this instance from coverage and other instances under it. These instances can be Verilog module or VHDL entity instances. VCS include all other instances in coverage. A level number of 0 (or no level number) specifies the entire subhierarchy, 1 specifies only this instance, 2 specifies this instance and those instances directly under this instance, and so on. If the subhierarchy includes instances in the other HDL, VCS does not exclude these instances. |
3.3 +module module_name | entity_name
VCS compiles all instances of the specified Verilog module or VHDL entity definition, and excludes all other definitions under it, for coverage. |
3.4 -module module_name | entity_name
VCS does not compile all instances of the specified Verilog module or VHDL entity definition, and includes all other definitions under it, for coverage. |
3.5 +file file_name
VCS compile for coverage only the code in this file. If the file is not in the current directory, specify the path name of the file. |
3.6 -file file_name
VCS exclude the code in this file from coverage. If the file is not in the current directory, specify the path name of the file. |
3.7 +filelist file_name
VCS compile for coverage only the source files listed in the specified file. |
3.8 -filelist file_name
VCS exclude from coverage the source files listed in the specified file. |
3.9 +moduletree module_name [level_number]
VCS provides coverage metrics for all instances of the specified module and for all module instances in the hierarchy below the specified module. In other words, each hierarchy tree starting at each instance of the specified module will have coverage metrics provided. The coverage metrics are only provided for the number of levels of hierarchy specified by the optional level_number. |
3.10 -moduletree module_name [level_number]
VCS excludes coverage metrics for all instances of the specified module and for all module instances in the hierarchy below the specified module. In other words, each hierarchy tree starting at each instance of the specified module will have coverage metrics excluded. The coverage metrics are only excluded for the number of levels of hierarchy specified by the optional level_number. |
3.11 +/-node
Excludes or includes a signal in toggle coverage. |
去除或者包括对指定信号toggle coverage的统计。后面跟信号的绝对路径,可以使用通配符*。
+node top.cnt_inst*.out[7:5] //对该信号,不统计toggler -node top.cnt_inst*.out[4:0] //对该信号,统计toggler |
比如我们想收集, 这个模块,以及模块之下的coverage,那config文件内容如下:
+tree 0 |
比如我们想收集,ccc 这个模块,以及模块之下的coverage,那config文件内容如下:
+moduletree ccc 0 |
+moduletree ccc 1 |
1. dve
dve -full64 -cov -dir simv.vdb |
2. verdi
verdi -cov -covdir simv.vdb |
urg -dir simv.vdb |
在当前目录下,会生成 urgReport 目录,里面有生成的html文件,使用浏览器即可查看这些文件。